An AKC Affiliated club
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of AtlantaThe German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Atlanta has been active in AKC Sanctioned Conformation Shows and Field Trials since the 1980’s. We are an AKC licensed club for Field Trials, Specialty, Obedience and Hunting Test. We would love to grow as a club!
Our Club
Getting Involved
We invite you to join us
Our Mission
German Shorthaired Club of Atlanta is a Georgia not-for- profit corporation. Our mission is to encourage and promote quality in the breeding of pure-bred German Shorthaired Pointers and to bring their natural qualities to perfection.
We do this by:
Urging members and breeders to accept the Standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which German Shorthaired Pointers shall be judged
Doing all in our power to protect and advance the interest of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, field trials, obedience trials, tracking tests, hunting tests, and any other AKC approved activities and
Conducting sanctioned matches and specialty shows, field trials, hunting tests, and other competitions under the rules of the AKC.
Join us!
Regular membership is open to all persons 18 years of age or older who are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purposes of this Club. Junior membership is available to all persons 12 through 17 years of age who otherwise meet the above requirements.
While membership is to be unrestricted as to residence, the club’s primary purpose is to be representative of the breeders and exhibitors in its immediate area.
You don’t have to compete in Trials, Tests or the Show Ring to be a member. You just need to love German Shorthaired Pointers and have a desire to have fun.
What we do
Our Activities
Field Trials and Hunt Tests
Many of our member participate in AKC sanctioned Field Trials and Hunt Tests.
We host 2 or 3 Field Trials every calendar year in Georgia. We have also participated and hosted AKC Hunt Test.
The Show Ring
Our members participate in the Show ring in both Specialty and all breed shows.
Our main event is held at the Peach Blossom Cluster held in Perry, GA. There we participate in multiple GSP and all breed shows.
Also available at Perry are many other AKC Companion and Performance competition events. See our Shows page for more information

At home and in the Field
The GSP was bred to point, retrieve, trail wounded game, hunt both large and small game, furred and feathered and to work in low or heavy cover as well as water.
The German Shorthair is also a fantastic companion at home. Some of our most cherished times are with our dogs at home or on the hunt. Occasionally we may host Fun Events or other outings.
We would love to share our members fun and hunting photos.
Get involved with Us
Our Events
Our club and membership enjoy all kinds of activities. Join us at a event soon!
If you would like to help us make our event a success we would love you to volunteer. Experienced or a Rookie – there is a place for everyone to participate.